Jumat, 05 Februari 2016

Sifat – Sifat Pada Segitiga

The Properties Of Triangle (Sifat – Sifat Pada Segitiga)

a.         berdasarkan sisi  (base on the side):
1.         segitiga sama sisi ( equilateral triangle)
-           all the sides is in equals length
-           has 3 angles in equals size (600)
-           the sum of its three angles is 1800(degree)
-           has three axis symmetries
-           has three  symmetry rotations
-           can be filled into the frame in 6 ways
2.         segitiga sama kaki ( isosceles triangle)
-           has  two sides in  equal length
-           the sum of its three angle is 1800
-           has two angles in equals  size
-           has one (1) axis symmetry
-           has one (1) symmetry rotation
-           can be filled into the frame in 2 ways

3.         segitiga sembarang ( scalene triangle)
-           all the sides is not in  equal length
-           the sum of its three angles is 1800
-           has no one axis symmetry
-           has one (1) symmetry rotations
-           can be filled into the frame in 1 way

b.  berdasarkan sudut  (base on angle):
1.         segitiga siku-siku ( right  triangle)
-           has one angle in 900 ( right angle)
-           the sum of all its angle is 1800 ( degree)
-           has one (1) symmetry rotations
-           can be filled into the frame in 1 way
2.         segitiga lancip ( acute  triangle)
-           has three acute angles in 00 < x < 900
-           the sum of all its angle is 1800 ( degree)
-           has one (1) symmetry rotations
-           can be filled into the frame in 1 way

3.         segitiga tumpul ( obtuse  triangle)
-           has one angles in 900 < x < 1800
-           the sum of all its angle is 1800 ( degree)
-           has one (1) symmetry rotations
-           can be filled into the frame in 1 way

c.       berdasarkan sudut dan sisinya  (base on angle and side):
1.         segitiga siku-siku sama kaki ( isosceles right triangle)
-           has one angle in 900 ( right angle)
-           the sum of all its angle is 1800 ( degree)
-           has 2 sides in equals length
-           has one (1) axis symmetry
-           has one (1) symmetry rotations
-           can be filled into the frame in 2 ways
b.         segitiga lancip  sama kaki ( isosceles acute triangle)
-           has three acute angles in 00 < x < 900
-           the sum of all its angle is 1800 ( degree)
-           has 2 sides in equals length
-           has one (1) axis symmetry
-           has one (1) symmetry rotations
-           can be filled into the frame in 2 ways
c.         segitiga tumpul   sama kaki ( isosceles obtuse triangle)
-           has one angles in 900 < x < 1800
-           the sum of all its angle is 1800 ( degree)
-           has 2 sides in equals length
-           has one (1) axis symmetry
-           has one (1) symmetry rotations
-           can be filled into the frame in 2 ways

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