Sabtu, 11 November 2017

Adverbial Clause and Adverbial Phrase

Nama : .........................................
Kelas :.....................................
Hari/tanggal : ...............................
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

a.       Kompetensi Dasar

b.      Materi

c.       Hasil pekerjaan/tugas/latihan

Contoh Soal Dan Jawaban Adverbial Clause

1.        The men are angry. The men are in this room.
Answers : The men who are angry are in this room.
2.        John bought a boat. The boat cost thirty thousand dollars.
Answers : John bought a boat which cost thirty thousand dollars.
3.        I do not like the men. The woman is talking to the men.
Answers :I do not like the men whom the woman is talking to.
4.        John is the man. We are going to recommend John for the job.
Answers : John is the man whom we are going to recommend for the job.
5.        John found a cat. The cat’s leg was broken.
Answers: John found a cat whose leg was broken.
6.        The robber was arrested last night. The police have caught the robber.
Answers :The police have caught the robber who was arrested last night.
7.        The men are angry. I do not like the men.
Answers :I do not like the men who are angry.
8.        This is the city. I was born here.
Answers :This is the city where I was born.
9.        The girl is happy. Her father bought a car for her.
Answers :The girl whose father bought a car for her is happy.
10.    That is the girl. She works at university as an administration staff.
Answers :That is the girl who works at university as an administration staff.
11.    You put the books somewhere. Show me the place you put it.
Answers :Show me the place where you put the books.
12.    Do you see my bag? I bought it yesterday.
Answers :Do you see my bag which I bought yesterday?
13.    Bandung is a town. I studied there in 2014.
Answers :Bandung is a town where I studied there in 2014.
14.    Regina is a beautiful young lady. She is my best friend.
Answers :Regina who is a beautiful young lady is my best friend.
15.    Toci once met my girlfriend. Toci had never seen my girlfriend before.
Answers :Toci once met my girlfriend whom he had never seen before.
16.    The motorcycle is my brother’s. It is in the garage now because it needs fixing.
Answers :The motorcycle which is in the garage now because it needs fixing is my                             brother’s.
17.    Mr. Jono is our teacher. We like him very much.
Answers :Mr. Jono whom we like very much is our teacher.
18.    The boy is very naughty. His father is often angry with him.
Answers :The boy whose father is often angry with him is very naughty.
19.    Do you know that man ? My mother gave him some foods today.
Answers :Doyou know that man who my mother gave him some foods today?
20.    Ms. Paulo is a doctor. Her house is near to my house.
Answers :Ms. Paulo whose house is near to my house is a doctor.

Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Adverbial Phrase
1.        She lives in a palatial home.
Answers : Adverb phrase – in a palatial home                             
2.        Is there water on the moon?
Answers : Adverb phrase – on the moon                             
3.        She ran into her room.
Answers : Adverb phrase – into her room                     
4.        The desert stretched towards the north.
Answers : Adverb phrase – towards the north   
5.      The fishers went sailing over the sea.
Answers : Adverb phrase – over the sea 
6.        They chatted for a while.
Answers : Adverb phrase – for a while                     
7.        She performed the task with great skill.
Answers : Adverb phrase – with great skill            
8.      The gun went off with a loud noise.
Answers : Adverb phrase – with a loud noise
9.      He lay beside the heap of corn.
Answers : Adverb phrase – beside the heap of corn
10.  She whispered in his ear.
Answers : Adverb phrase – in his ear
11.  Bob nodded as if he understood.
Answers :Adverb phrase – as if he understood
12.  At every possible turn, problems blocked his path.
Answers :Adverb phrase – At every possible turn
13.  We will reconvene on the 25th of next month.
Answers:Adverb phrase – on the 25th of next month.
14.  I saw a lot of trash beside the highway.
Answers :Adverb phrase – beside the highway.
15.  Whenever I remember, I smile.
Answers :Adverb phrase – Whenever I remember
16.  She took some time of for a much needed vacation.
Answers :Adverb phrase – for a much needed vacation
17.  Every time Jane runs the can opener, the dog comes to the kitchen.
Answers :Adverb phrase – Every time Jane runs the can opener
18.  He decided to join a gym to get in shape.
Answers :Adverb phrase – to get in shape.
19.  With much consideration, he made his decision.
Answers :Adverb phrase – With much consideration
20.  We strolled through the garden.
Answers :Adverb phrase – through the garden.

Orang tua siswa


Tanda tangan siswa



A.     Tujuan
-          Menentukan jenis golongan darah berdasarkan sistem ABO

B.     Dasar Teori
Berdasarkan komposisi aglutinogen dan aglutininnya, golongan darah manusia dibedakan menjadi golongan darah  A, B, AB, dan O. Penggolongan darah ABO ditemukan oleh seorang ahli imunologi Austria, Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943). Penggolonan darah ini berdasarkan atas terdapatnya dua jenis aglutinogen yaitu aglutinogen A dan aglutinogen B.
Aglutinogen dan aglutinin adalah kandungan protein di dalam darah. Aglutinogen merupakan protein berupa antigen, sedangkan aglutinin merupakan protein berupa antibodi. Aglutinogen terdapat pada eritrosit, sedangkan aglutinin terdapat pada plasma darah.

C.     Alat dan bahan
1.      Gelas preparat
2.      Lanset
3.      Kapas
4.      Tusuk gigi
5.      Pipet tetes
6.      Spidol
7.      Alkohol 70%
8.      Serum anti-A dan serum anti-B

D.     Cara kerja
1.      Memberi tulisan pada permukaan gelas preparat dengan huruf A (di bagiankiri) dan huruf B (di bagian kanan) menggunakan spidol.
2.      Membersihkan ujung jari tengah menggunakan kapas yang telah diberi alkohol. menusuk lanset pada ujung jari tengah, kemudian meneteskan pada gelas benda (dibagian A dan B). Pada saat menusuk jadi dengan lanset harus berhati-hati agar keselamatan tetap terjaga.
3.      Memberi setetes serum anti-A pada darah di bagian A dan serum anti-B pada darah di bagian B.
4.      Mengaduk darah yang telah diberi antiserum menggunakan tusuk gigi. Tusuk gigi yang sudah digunakan untuk mengaduk darah bagian A tidak digunakan lagi untuk mengaduk darah bagian B.
5.      Setelah lima menit, mengamati apa yang terjadi pada darah tersebut.

E.      Hasil pengamatan
Serum anti-A
Serum anti-B
Tidak menggumpal
Memiliki golongan darah B

F.      Pembahasan

G.     Pertanyaan
1.      Antigen apa yang terkandung pada sel darah Anda? Anti gen A.
2.      Golongan darah apa yang Anda miliki? Golongan darah B.

3.      Apa kesimpulan dari percobaan ini? Jika darah mengumpal ketika diberi serum anti-B maka darah tersebut termasuk kedalam golongan darah B. Begitu sebaliknya belaku pada serum anti-A. Jika darah tidak menggumpal semua, maka darah tersebut termasuk golongan darah O. Jika menggumpal semua maka termasuk golongan darah AB.