Sabtu, 11 November 2017

Adverbial Clause and Adverbial Phrase

Nama : .........................................
Kelas :.....................................
Hari/tanggal : ...............................
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

a.       Kompetensi Dasar

b.      Materi

c.       Hasil pekerjaan/tugas/latihan

Contoh Soal Dan Jawaban Adverbial Clause

1.        The men are angry. The men are in this room.
Answers : The men who are angry are in this room.
2.        John bought a boat. The boat cost thirty thousand dollars.
Answers : John bought a boat which cost thirty thousand dollars.
3.        I do not like the men. The woman is talking to the men.
Answers :I do not like the men whom the woman is talking to.
4.        John is the man. We are going to recommend John for the job.
Answers : John is the man whom we are going to recommend for the job.
5.        John found a cat. The cat’s leg was broken.
Answers: John found a cat whose leg was broken.
6.        The robber was arrested last night. The police have caught the robber.
Answers :The police have caught the robber who was arrested last night.
7.        The men are angry. I do not like the men.
Answers :I do not like the men who are angry.
8.        This is the city. I was born here.
Answers :This is the city where I was born.
9.        The girl is happy. Her father bought a car for her.
Answers :The girl whose father bought a car for her is happy.
10.    That is the girl. She works at university as an administration staff.
Answers :That is the girl who works at university as an administration staff.
11.    You put the books somewhere. Show me the place you put it.
Answers :Show me the place where you put the books.
12.    Do you see my bag? I bought it yesterday.
Answers :Do you see my bag which I bought yesterday?
13.    Bandung is a town. I studied there in 2014.
Answers :Bandung is a town where I studied there in 2014.
14.    Regina is a beautiful young lady. She is my best friend.
Answers :Regina who is a beautiful young lady is my best friend.
15.    Toci once met my girlfriend. Toci had never seen my girlfriend before.
Answers :Toci once met my girlfriend whom he had never seen before.
16.    The motorcycle is my brother’s. It is in the garage now because it needs fixing.
Answers :The motorcycle which is in the garage now because it needs fixing is my                             brother’s.
17.    Mr. Jono is our teacher. We like him very much.
Answers :Mr. Jono whom we like very much is our teacher.
18.    The boy is very naughty. His father is often angry with him.
Answers :The boy whose father is often angry with him is very naughty.
19.    Do you know that man ? My mother gave him some foods today.
Answers :Doyou know that man who my mother gave him some foods today?
20.    Ms. Paulo is a doctor. Her house is near to my house.
Answers :Ms. Paulo whose house is near to my house is a doctor.

Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Adverbial Phrase
1.        She lives in a palatial home.
Answers : Adverb phrase – in a palatial home                             
2.        Is there water on the moon?
Answers : Adverb phrase – on the moon                             
3.        She ran into her room.
Answers : Adverb phrase – into her room                     
4.        The desert stretched towards the north.
Answers : Adverb phrase – towards the north   
5.      The fishers went sailing over the sea.
Answers : Adverb phrase – over the sea 
6.        They chatted for a while.
Answers : Adverb phrase – for a while                     
7.        She performed the task with great skill.
Answers : Adverb phrase – with great skill            
8.      The gun went off with a loud noise.
Answers : Adverb phrase – with a loud noise
9.      He lay beside the heap of corn.
Answers : Adverb phrase – beside the heap of corn
10.  She whispered in his ear.
Answers : Adverb phrase – in his ear
11.  Bob nodded as if he understood.
Answers :Adverb phrase – as if he understood
12.  At every possible turn, problems blocked his path.
Answers :Adverb phrase – At every possible turn
13.  We will reconvene on the 25th of next month.
Answers:Adverb phrase – on the 25th of next month.
14.  I saw a lot of trash beside the highway.
Answers :Adverb phrase – beside the highway.
15.  Whenever I remember, I smile.
Answers :Adverb phrase – Whenever I remember
16.  She took some time of for a much needed vacation.
Answers :Adverb phrase – for a much needed vacation
17.  Every time Jane runs the can opener, the dog comes to the kitchen.
Answers :Adverb phrase – Every time Jane runs the can opener
18.  He decided to join a gym to get in shape.
Answers :Adverb phrase – to get in shape.
19.  With much consideration, he made his decision.
Answers :Adverb phrase – With much consideration
20.  We strolled through the garden.
Answers :Adverb phrase – through the garden.

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